It's late afternoon Saturday and I have nothing in the house to eat. I had just finished watching "The Two Jake's" with Jack Nicholson. I saw it was on one of the cable channels and I said to myself, "I'm going to watch this" as I wasn't sure if I've seen it before. I know people have talked about it in the past but I couldn't remember what it was about. Well, and not to ruin it, it's sort of a spin off of the great "Chinatown" done way back in the early 1970's. Essentially the movie has many of the same characters from "Chinatown" and Jack Nicholson is in it, so about 10 minutes into it - I knew I had made a good decision.
The movie ends and I realize it's dinner time and I have nothing in the house to eat. I haven't been to the supermarket in a few weeks, so when I said I had nothing - I had NOTHING. I get some goodies for the week, some chicken, steaks, hamburgers, salad, etc - keep me going for the next week (actually enjoying a bowl of fruit right now). As I'm checking out, there is a young man working the register and his name tag says "Jake". I go, so your name is "Jake" and the young man looks at me and I get the feeling he thinks I'm trying to pick him up - LOL - perhaps he doesn't think that but at least to me it sounded like a pick up line. So I kind of back peddled a little bit and said "I just watched the movie 'The Two Jakes', have you've seen it?" He looks at me and says "no, I'm to young, I've never heard of it".
I started thinking - wait a minute - this "kid" thinks a movie made in 1990 ("The Two Jakes) is ancient. Sadly, I did start thinking about it and realized that 1990 was 20 years ago. Put it this way, to this kid checking my groceries out at the Publix, "Star Wars" which was done in 1978 is an "ancient movie". Hell, I remember when the movie came out. When I was 16, a movie from 1958 would of been a "turn off" - they were still making black and white still. It's funny though how some movies, songs and books can stand the test of time.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
True Blood Update
I am a huge fan of the TV. I know that is incredibly shocking news, I'll wait a second until you pick yourselves off the floor. A few years ago I was grabbed by the TV gods, let me tell you the TV gods are very sneaky and they did a number on me. I was on the phone talking to me sister who was living in Phoenix at the time. It was sort of early in the evening, probably around 8PM, as she just got home from work (remember there a few hour time difference). Many months prior to this phone call with my sister, HBO had been pushing this new show called "True Blood". Now, I'm an adult and I really don't like or care about the whole vampire thing which seems to have gathered popularity since those Anne Rice books (talk about a one trick pony - she ain't no Updike kids). Am I guilty of watching "Interview with a Vampire"? Yes, I mean it had some stars in it and hype - and we all love hype, don't we - in my defense, I watched on cable, not the movie theater - no way Anne Rice is getting my $11 at a movie theater - I've got taste and style.
Still, everytime HBO was inbetween shows they had these annoying commercials. Like many people, I was like "I'm not interested in this stupid ass show about blood and vampires - now lets start 'Cathouse'". "Cathouse" is great, we get to watch incredibly average women think they are hot and have sex for money. Also, you get the great meltdown's from the like's of "Air Force Amy", I mean that's just pure entertainment right there folks. If I was a teenager watching that show, I might be watching because there are naked women doing naughty thing but now I watch it for sheer comedy. Although when you watch the show, you become incredibly curious about the whole thing, like "if you were a dude coming in for a hardcord 'party'(I mean you have to love it how they call it a "party", that cracks me up) and HBO comes up to you and says 'we are doing a montly documentary about this legal brother, would you sign here at the dotted line so we can put you on the show?" Seriously, unless I'm getting a tremendous discount for showing myself with a hooker, why would I allow my face on TV at a whore house? Imagine going into an interview for a job, you sit down, hand over your resume and the person interviewing goes "you look familiar, hey wait a minute - you spent $1,500 for a blow job from Air Force Amy, I remember you, you had the small penis and the mole on your right ass check, you really ought to get that checked out".
Sorry about that, you can see why I was so angry at watching "True Blood" commercials before "Cathouse" - the excitment of "Cathouse" can be quite powerful. Either way, I had decided I am not watching this stupid show about dumbass vampires. Then the TV gods hit me with a lightning volt - no joke, it happened so quick that I never had a chance. As I was finishing up my phone call with my sister that fateful evening, HBO happened to be on - sure enough "True Blood" was on. I hung up and just sort of started watching TV, it was that "strange time of night - 8:15PM" - most shows have started and you sort of wait til 8:30PM (you can tell I watch far to much TV). The first 3 minutes of watching this vampire show some dude turns into a dog, then this Vampire dude is talking about life during the Civil War and there are a lot of naked women running around. The next thing I know, I'm hooked on this show - break out the crackpipe, I didn't even see it coming but it got me. Now, that I got a taste of the show, I had to watch the 2 previous episodes and of course HBO was there fulfill my fix when it decided to have a True Blood Marathon showing the first 3 episodes.
We are now a 3 seasons in and I see there is a pretty decent following for the show. What I find so funny is that the people who don't watch the show, don't watch it for the same reason's I didn't want to watch it. I even ask them to watch the first 3 episodes and if you don't like, then you don't like it but your going to like it. It's funny how negative people can be when you tell them something is good - and this goes beyond TV, it could be food, beer, soda, anything. I can never understand why people are so negative when you tell them something is "good", is it because you discovered it before they did? Some scientist ought to do some sort of study, if the Government wants to give me a grant for $25 Million, I'll go walking around the streets and ask people.
So - we are in the middle of a crazy Season 3 and this show is getting great. After last week's episode when Sookie was getting bit by Lorena, I was getting a little nervous that True Blood was going to "Jump the Shark" but we got lucky and it didn't. That's the one thing I get nervous about watching "True Blood" is that they will step over the line and "jump the shark".
The most recent show did have a "Jump the Shark" moment when Sookie went into the "dreamfaze" but the naked women made it bearable to watch - and good looking naked women automatically block any "Jump the Shark" moments (see if Fonzie was watersking and there were naked chicks driving the boat - the "Jump the Shark" moment would never of happened). At the same time though we learn something about Ms. Sookie Stackhouse. While we know she is not normal because she can read minds and occasionally shoot electric volts out of hand, we don't really know what she is. Slowly though we are starting to figure out her family history - we heard that her parents didn't drown, we know that the Queen of Lousiana knows Sookie's secret and we know the Vampire Bill didn't melt like a Snicker Bar in the sun after he drank Sookie's Blood.
It's pretty evident to me that Sookie's parents were killed by the Queen or her minions and that she knew about the power that some in Sookie's family had. The only part I can't put together is how would Hadley (her cousin) know all this and Sookie not. Sookie Blood is "special" but how special. Well, we will find out - lets just hope they keep us waiting 4 episodes. I mean - show a little class, I hate the whole "Cliffhanger" stuff at the end. The show is too good for cheap stunts like the cliffhanger ending (like some cheesy 1970's show - like "Dallas" and who Shot JR?) - have a little class.
Lets face it though, the show really revolved Eric, Pam and the Vampire Kingdom. I mean who doesn't dig a little "Vampire Revolution". It's seems pretty clear that King Russell is a bad ass vampire, did you guys see how quick he got the Magister in those chains? I think Eric was a little "taken back" by his moves. Outside Godric, Eric is the baddest vampire we know and King Russell is almost 2,000 years older then Eric (put it perspective he's 1,000 older the Godric - too bad Godric is dead, lets face it a Godric/Russell showdown would of been GREAT).
I will leave this post as is and hope perhaps someone will comment and share any True Blood ideas - I might as well make "Thursday" True Blood Day - with an occasional mention of Mad Men - an tremendous show in itself.
Still, everytime HBO was inbetween shows they had these annoying commercials. Like many people, I was like "I'm not interested in this stupid ass show about blood and vampires - now lets start 'Cathouse'". "Cathouse" is great, we get to watch incredibly average women think they are hot and have sex for money. Also, you get the great meltdown's from the like's of "Air Force Amy", I mean that's just pure entertainment right there folks. If I was a teenager watching that show, I might be watching because there are naked women doing naughty thing but now I watch it for sheer comedy. Although when you watch the show, you become incredibly curious about the whole thing, like "if you were a dude coming in for a hardcord 'party'(I mean you have to love it how they call it a "party", that cracks me up) and HBO comes up to you and says 'we are doing a montly documentary about this legal brother, would you sign here at the dotted line so we can put you on the show?" Seriously, unless I'm getting a tremendous discount for showing myself with a hooker, why would I allow my face on TV at a whore house? Imagine going into an interview for a job, you sit down, hand over your resume and the person interviewing goes "you look familiar, hey wait a minute - you spent $1,500 for a blow job from Air Force Amy, I remember you, you had the small penis and the mole on your right ass check, you really ought to get that checked out".
Sorry about that, you can see why I was so angry at watching "True Blood" commercials before "Cathouse" - the excitment of "Cathouse" can be quite powerful. Either way, I had decided I am not watching this stupid show about dumbass vampires. Then the TV gods hit me with a lightning volt - no joke, it happened so quick that I never had a chance. As I was finishing up my phone call with my sister that fateful evening, HBO happened to be on - sure enough "True Blood" was on. I hung up and just sort of started watching TV, it was that "strange time of night - 8:15PM" - most shows have started and you sort of wait til 8:30PM (you can tell I watch far to much TV). The first 3 minutes of watching this vampire show some dude turns into a dog, then this Vampire dude is talking about life during the Civil War and there are a lot of naked women running around. The next thing I know, I'm hooked on this show - break out the crackpipe, I didn't even see it coming but it got me. Now, that I got a taste of the show, I had to watch the 2 previous episodes and of course HBO was there fulfill my fix when it decided to have a True Blood Marathon showing the first 3 episodes.
We are now a 3 seasons in and I see there is a pretty decent following for the show. What I find so funny is that the people who don't watch the show, don't watch it for the same reason's I didn't want to watch it. I even ask them to watch the first 3 episodes and if you don't like, then you don't like it but your going to like it. It's funny how negative people can be when you tell them something is good - and this goes beyond TV, it could be food, beer, soda, anything. I can never understand why people are so negative when you tell them something is "good", is it because you discovered it before they did? Some scientist ought to do some sort of study, if the Government wants to give me a grant for $25 Million, I'll go walking around the streets and ask people.
So - we are in the middle of a crazy Season 3 and this show is getting great. After last week's episode when Sookie was getting bit by Lorena, I was getting a little nervous that True Blood was going to "Jump the Shark" but we got lucky and it didn't. That's the one thing I get nervous about watching "True Blood" is that they will step over the line and "jump the shark".
The most recent show did have a "Jump the Shark" moment when Sookie went into the "dreamfaze" but the naked women made it bearable to watch - and good looking naked women automatically block any "Jump the Shark" moments (see if Fonzie was watersking and there were naked chicks driving the boat - the "Jump the Shark" moment would never of happened). At the same time though we learn something about Ms. Sookie Stackhouse. While we know she is not normal because she can read minds and occasionally shoot electric volts out of hand, we don't really know what she is. Slowly though we are starting to figure out her family history - we heard that her parents didn't drown, we know that the Queen of Lousiana knows Sookie's secret and we know the Vampire Bill didn't melt like a Snicker Bar in the sun after he drank Sookie's Blood.
It's pretty evident to me that Sookie's parents were killed by the Queen or her minions and that she knew about the power that some in Sookie's family had. The only part I can't put together is how would Hadley (her cousin) know all this and Sookie not. Sookie Blood is "special" but how special. Well, we will find out - lets just hope they keep us waiting 4 episodes. I mean - show a little class, I hate the whole "Cliffhanger" stuff at the end. The show is too good for cheap stunts like the cliffhanger ending (like some cheesy 1970's show - like "Dallas" and who Shot JR?) - have a little class.
Lets face it though, the show really revolved Eric, Pam and the Vampire Kingdom. I mean who doesn't dig a little "Vampire Revolution". It's seems pretty clear that King Russell is a bad ass vampire, did you guys see how quick he got the Magister in those chains? I think Eric was a little "taken back" by his moves. Outside Godric, Eric is the baddest vampire we know and King Russell is almost 2,000 years older then Eric (put it perspective he's 1,000 older the Godric - too bad Godric is dead, lets face it a Godric/Russell showdown would of been GREAT).
I will leave this post as is and hope perhaps someone will comment and share any True Blood ideas - I might as well make "Thursday" True Blood Day - with an occasional mention of Mad Men - an tremendous show in itself.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Who is James Brolin's real son
I am not the biggest movie goer in the world, the last movie I saw at the movie theater was "Good Will Hunting" back 1998. I don't understand the whole movie idea - I like movies but the idea to drop $10 bucks to sit in an uncomfortable seat, $6 on a giant soda, $8 on popcorn, $8 peanut M&M's and stuck with strangers all around me. ou can't tell me sitting on the couch, laying in bed, eating a pizza or watching with some friends isn't far superior. Some guys need the movie theater as a crutch to ask girls out and I respect that but personally I've never used the movie as the catalyst for love. I've always been "get her drunk and make her laugh" type - I know this sounds shallow but trust me but I do this in the most respectable way possible (I don't take advantage of the young lady but I can't help it if she takes advantage of me - and it makes me so feel so cheap but I can live with it). Anyway, I would think bring a girl back to your place to watch a DVD would be "more romantic"(I freaking HATE THAT PHRASE). OK, back to the movies.
For years I've been hearing about Josh Brolin, being James Brolin's son. Josh Brolin, James Brolin's son, marries Diane Lane. Josh Brolin, James Brolin's son, is in such and such movie. So for years I had this image of Josh Brolin, knowing who his father is - I see an actor and I'm like "oh, there's Josh Brolin". Well, do you know what I found out? For the last 15 years, Christian Bale hasn't been Josh Brolin's son! Who knew! I literally thought Christian Bale was James Brolin's son up until 2006.
Now that's not to say Josh Brolin doesn't look like his Dad because in fact he does - it's just that Christian Bale looks more like Josh's Dad. This is the biggest mistake I've made since I thought Curtis Joseph and Cujo were different goalies (and I still get some ribbing on that - because people think I know a lot about sports, I'm supposed to know ALL). I would like to thank my friend Tim Shea for keeping this little joke between us for this long (then again, how many people outside a hockey fan are going to know who Cujo is).
I guess the big question is to Christian Bale is "WHO'S YOUR DADDY?"
OK, this wasn't the most exciting post but I doubt anyone is going to read this anyway. Capicorn One is on cable right now and a young James Brolin was playing an astronaut. LOL - he and Christian Bale literally looked idenical at the same age. I want a DNA check on this because it's bizarre and it's bad enough the slobs like myself have to compete with good looking clones - it's just unfair. I think a scientific study needs to be done on this. The only redeeming thing is James Brolin is married to that mess Barbara Striesand (I guess James married for money) - I mean the fact God blessed him with looks that all women, no matter what age, find him very attractive, he settled for a hack. James Brolin's love for hags, allows a hottie out there for a slob.
Speaking of Barbara Streisand and her looks, I could never understand anyone who would say she was attractive. No kidding, she was some sort "gigantic star" in her prime and I'm talk "STAR", not famous the way Bozo the Clown is famous, but she was famous in the "Angelina Jolie" hot way in that 1970's - insane. I always laugh at women who get all dreamy eyed when they talk about "The Way We Were". "The Way We Were" was a love story that starred Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. I don't know all the details but I do know that Robert Redford was "after" Barbara Streisand" (even typing this I'm shaking my head in utter disbelieve) and I guess they fall in love or something, it's like a "10" on the chickflick scale. I just looked at this group of women watching the movie and said "stop watching this crap - do you think a dude looking like Robert Redford (remember, a very young Redford) would be infatuated with Barbara Streisand?" You know what - these women actually couldn't grasp this reality. They really thought that great looking dudes love bad looking chicks, when I explained to them that this movie is a farce - it's like I told them Santa Claus wasn't real.
Back to the Brolin family. I do have to question the women they marry. I've already spoken about Barbara Streisand - I mean she's a debacle. She has an amazing voice (hey, I don't listen to her singing but I've heard it and it's good - she ain't no Karen Carpenter but she's good) but she's got a face for radio and she just seems like a whiney ass. Here's a good question about Barbara's Striesand's career - many people have said FDR would of never been elected President if the media of 1940 was like today? With FDR being in a wheelchair the majority of time and all his illnesses would of been public record. Would Barbara Streisand be famous being so unattractive today? Lets face it, Mariah Carey is famous because she has talent but her looks really helped her career - she dated Derek Jeter for crying out loud (I will be blogging about Jeter's ladies one day - it's a facinating subject, even for a Met fan). The reality is, there aren't many unattractive women pop singers? I actually can't think of one - Lady Gaga is sort of ugly but no one really knows because no one really knows what she looks like but she's shows a lot of skin and I'm will to overlook perfect looks for a sneak peek of the goodies (does that make me dirty - if so, then I am what I am, as Popeye would say).
Now Josh Brolin is a decent looking dude from what women tell me, as a dude I guess he's pretty good looking. Josh Brolin is my age, 42 and he is married to Diane Lane. Don't get me wrong, Diane Lane is a nice piece of ass but she is 4 years older then he is. Let me clear this up, if I went out and married Diane Lane, I would be a superstar. People would hi-five me and be like "how the hell did Dalo get that piece of ass", I acknowledge this and I also wouldn't mind this happening. A Hollywood Actor shouldn't be marrying a woman 4 years older the he is - lets get that clear. He married Diane Lane back in 2004 - so Diane Lane was 39/40 years old - he should of been scoping the High School's, not marrying 40 year old woman. I won't come down on Josh Brolin to much because if you've ever seen "Unfaithful", you know Josh is getting some serious action - well at least a hell a lot more action then yours truely.
Well there you go - my second Blog - not sports related but Capicorn One was on and I still can't believe that Christian Bale and James Brolin aren't related.
For years I've been hearing about Josh Brolin, being James Brolin's son. Josh Brolin, James Brolin's son, marries Diane Lane. Josh Brolin, James Brolin's son, is in such and such movie. So for years I had this image of Josh Brolin, knowing who his father is - I see an actor and I'm like "oh, there's Josh Brolin". Well, do you know what I found out? For the last 15 years, Christian Bale hasn't been Josh Brolin's son! Who knew! I literally thought Christian Bale was James Brolin's son up until 2006.
Now that's not to say Josh Brolin doesn't look like his Dad because in fact he does - it's just that Christian Bale looks more like Josh's Dad. This is the biggest mistake I've made since I thought Curtis Joseph and Cujo were different goalies (and I still get some ribbing on that - because people think I know a lot about sports, I'm supposed to know ALL). I would like to thank my friend Tim Shea for keeping this little joke between us for this long (then again, how many people outside a hockey fan are going to know who Cujo is).
I guess the big question is to Christian Bale is "WHO'S YOUR DADDY?"
OK, this wasn't the most exciting post but I doubt anyone is going to read this anyway. Capicorn One is on cable right now and a young James Brolin was playing an astronaut. LOL - he and Christian Bale literally looked idenical at the same age. I want a DNA check on this because it's bizarre and it's bad enough the slobs like myself have to compete with good looking clones - it's just unfair. I think a scientific study needs to be done on this. The only redeeming thing is James Brolin is married to that mess Barbara Striesand (I guess James married for money) - I mean the fact God blessed him with looks that all women, no matter what age, find him very attractive, he settled for a hack. James Brolin's love for hags, allows a hottie out there for a slob.
Speaking of Barbara Streisand and her looks, I could never understand anyone who would say she was attractive. No kidding, she was some sort "gigantic star" in her prime and I'm talk "STAR", not famous the way Bozo the Clown is famous, but she was famous in the "Angelina Jolie" hot way in that 1970's - insane. I always laugh at women who get all dreamy eyed when they talk about "The Way We Were". "The Way We Were" was a love story that starred Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. I don't know all the details but I do know that Robert Redford was "after" Barbara Streisand" (even typing this I'm shaking my head in utter disbelieve) and I guess they fall in love or something, it's like a "10" on the chickflick scale. I just looked at this group of women watching the movie and said "stop watching this crap - do you think a dude looking like Robert Redford (remember, a very young Redford) would be infatuated with Barbara Streisand?" You know what - these women actually couldn't grasp this reality. They really thought that great looking dudes love bad looking chicks, when I explained to them that this movie is a farce - it's like I told them Santa Claus wasn't real.
Back to the Brolin family. I do have to question the women they marry. I've already spoken about Barbara Streisand - I mean she's a debacle. She has an amazing voice (hey, I don't listen to her singing but I've heard it and it's good - she ain't no Karen Carpenter but she's good) but she's got a face for radio and she just seems like a whiney ass. Here's a good question about Barbara's Striesand's career - many people have said FDR would of never been elected President if the media of 1940 was like today? With FDR being in a wheelchair the majority of time and all his illnesses would of been public record. Would Barbara Streisand be famous being so unattractive today? Lets face it, Mariah Carey is famous because she has talent but her looks really helped her career - she dated Derek Jeter for crying out loud (I will be blogging about Jeter's ladies one day - it's a facinating subject, even for a Met fan). The reality is, there aren't many unattractive women pop singers? I actually can't think of one - Lady Gaga is sort of ugly but no one really knows because no one really knows what she looks like but she's shows a lot of skin and I'm will to overlook perfect looks for a sneak peek of the goodies (does that make me dirty - if so, then I am what I am, as Popeye would say).
Now Josh Brolin is a decent looking dude from what women tell me, as a dude I guess he's pretty good looking. Josh Brolin is my age, 42 and he is married to Diane Lane. Don't get me wrong, Diane Lane is a nice piece of ass but she is 4 years older then he is. Let me clear this up, if I went out and married Diane Lane, I would be a superstar. People would hi-five me and be like "how the hell did Dalo get that piece of ass", I acknowledge this and I also wouldn't mind this happening. A Hollywood Actor shouldn't be marrying a woman 4 years older the he is - lets get that clear. He married Diane Lane back in 2004 - so Diane Lane was 39/40 years old - he should of been scoping the High School's, not marrying 40 year old woman. I won't come down on Josh Brolin to much because if you've ever seen "Unfaithful", you know Josh is getting some serious action - well at least a hell a lot more action then yours truely.
Well there you go - my second Blog - not sports related but Capicorn One was on and I still can't believe that Christian Bale and James Brolin aren't related.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Baffled Met Fan
So after a ton of people telling me I should do a "blog", "public access" or send something to a "radio station to be an on-air talent", I am doing this blog thing. I have no experience in publishing anything but people tend to like what I have to say. I know, I know - people are just tell you that to make a person feel good but I'm starting this at the request of others, will they read it - who the hell knows.
Well I shall start with something that is baffling me. I'm a Mets fan, I was born in New York, grew up in Chicago early on and then the family move to Hackettstown, NJ when I was around 12. I grew up around all the Yankee fans, they were all around me - thank God, I was growing up in the 80's and the Mets were the team. What so many people don't realize, there is a group of peope from the ages of 39 to 49 who grew up in the New York City Tri-State area that are Met fans because the Mets were "The Team of New York". People born after 1975 in NYC region have basically lived in "Yankee Dominance" and since people are easily swayed by whoever is winning - so many became Yankee fans. It's like people who listen to "top 40" radio - they just like whatever they are fed, have no real original thoughts - basically "stoogies". Now, before the diehard Yankee fans get all jacked up - I'm saying the same thing about many Met fans who grew up loving the team because of the 1980's fan. Then of course, there are many of us who were "born into" becoming the fans we became. My Dad was a Brooklyn Dodger fan and when they left - became a Met fan. Growing up early on in Chicago, the Mets were a link to our family back east (my Mom used to live right down the street from Yankee Stadium as a kid - then her family moved to Brooklyn when she went into High Schoo - she actually babysat for some of the Brooklyn Dodger families, my last link to the Brooklyn Dodgers was my Great Grandfather played for like 2 weeks in the early 1900's - I've been told this but I have no found any records). So, I am a Met fan.
As the Trade Deadline approached, I was curious to see what the Mets were going to do to - they had Carlos Beltran back in the line up and Ike Davis has been a pleasant surprised but lets face it - the Mets need some starting pitching. They even have the luxury of not needed a number 1 starter (always nice to get one but they didn't need it - they have Santana), but a nice number 3 would be nice. There were some options out there too but I didn't hear one news report of the Mets talking to anyone. Then while attending the Tampa Bay Ray/Detriot Tiger game on Thursday afternoon there was some rumbling that the Yankees were making some moves.
The Yankees had picked up Austin Kearns. Not really earth shattering news - nothing to be "baffled about" but then it gets ugly as I'm driving to my parents house (I am visiting my parents in the Tampa area and went to the game with some High School and College friends who live in the Tampa area - it was a nice time at The Trop). The Phillies get Roy Oswalt, well the Mets competition are making some desperate moves here - but at least they they doing something. By the time I arrive at my parents house just north of Tampa there is talk of the Yankees about get Adam Dunn or Lance Berkman. I'm thinking to myself - you have to be kidding me. The Yankees roster is loaded and they just added a veteran right handed bat with Austin Kearns, who is having a nice year. Then I got to the computer - I mean the Mets HAVE to be talking to someone - nothing or as they say here in my current hometown of Miami - nada.
By Saturday I am just disgusted. The Omar Mineya Riegn of Terror continues. Mets have just lost 9 of the last 12 games (or something like that - bottomline from the All Star Game to today, they have stunk), and they haven't done ANYTHING. Then I find out the Yankees trade for Kerry Wood AND Lance Berkman and what did the Yankees give up - NADA! For the record, I know Brian Cashman a little bit. We went to college together at Catholic University - now, he may not remember my name but I think he would remember my face - as a matter of fact one of the guys I went to the Tiger/Rays game went to Georgetown Prep with Brian and they both boarded there - so I have a connection. I used to see Brian out all the time enjoying a beer like any other college kid. Little did I know the dude that I was peeing next to talking small talk was going to be running the Evil Empire. Looking back on it, it's sort of like Luke Skywalker finding out Darth Vader is his Dad. It's just totally messed up.
The Yankees get 3 important - good players for NOTHING, the Mets just got beat by the last place Diamondbacks 14-1. That is not a typo - the DBacks scored 14 runs at Citi-field. By the way - it was Mets Hall of Fame Day - Daryl Strawberry and Dwight "Doc"Gooden were entered into the Mets Hall of Fame - complimentary 8 Balls, mirrors and razor blades were given out to the first 18,000 people at the game - only problem, only 17,000 showed up. Got to love Omar Mineya's and his "eye for promotion" - forget bring in players but drugs are good. My favorite Omar Mineya promotion was the Tony Bernazard Fight Night - good stuff.
So the Trade Deadline as come and go. Leading up the deadling, I thought the Yankees were going to "stay the course". The organization is dealing with George Stienbrenner's death and with George gone figured the Yankees were going to take it slow. Like I already said, the team is freaking loaded with talent. The Yankee infield may be the greatest offensive infield ever to play baseball and it hurts me to say that. The numbers don't lie either. Arod, Jeter, Cano, Texiera and Posada - that's impressive. With all the action the Yankees made recently, you really have to wonder how little George was involved in the recent Yankee moves and I realize he was older and in bad health but it kind of appears he's been "totally out of the picture". I think the Yankee success over the last 15 years is a direct link to the fact George was less involved with the team - when he came back from his 2nd suspension - he was a different, more distant owner (except for my the "Fat Toad" remark).
Well, there you go - I know I am not the only Met fan who is baffled at the lack of recent events made by the Mets AND I am not the only Met fan who is going to be sick and tired of listening to all the Yankee fans talk about all the great moves they made. Also, I'm not the only Met fan that has to to admit that the Yankees did something good, Truely baffling.
Well I shall start with something that is baffling me. I'm a Mets fan, I was born in New York, grew up in Chicago early on and then the family move to Hackettstown, NJ when I was around 12. I grew up around all the Yankee fans, they were all around me - thank God, I was growing up in the 80's and the Mets were the team. What so many people don't realize, there is a group of peope from the ages of 39 to 49 who grew up in the New York City Tri-State area that are Met fans because the Mets were "The Team of New York". People born after 1975 in NYC region have basically lived in "Yankee Dominance" and since people are easily swayed by whoever is winning - so many became Yankee fans. It's like people who listen to "top 40" radio - they just like whatever they are fed, have no real original thoughts - basically "stoogies". Now, before the diehard Yankee fans get all jacked up - I'm saying the same thing about many Met fans who grew up loving the team because of the 1980's fan. Then of course, there are many of us who were "born into" becoming the fans we became. My Dad was a Brooklyn Dodger fan and when they left - became a Met fan. Growing up early on in Chicago, the Mets were a link to our family back east (my Mom used to live right down the street from Yankee Stadium as a kid - then her family moved to Brooklyn when she went into High Schoo - she actually babysat for some of the Brooklyn Dodger families, my last link to the Brooklyn Dodgers was my Great Grandfather played for like 2 weeks in the early 1900's - I've been told this but I have no found any records). So, I am a Met fan.
As the Trade Deadline approached, I was curious to see what the Mets were going to do to - they had Carlos Beltran back in the line up and Ike Davis has been a pleasant surprised but lets face it - the Mets need some starting pitching. They even have the luxury of not needed a number 1 starter (always nice to get one but they didn't need it - they have Santana), but a nice number 3 would be nice. There were some options out there too but I didn't hear one news report of the Mets talking to anyone. Then while attending the Tampa Bay Ray/Detriot Tiger game on Thursday afternoon there was some rumbling that the Yankees were making some moves.
The Yankees had picked up Austin Kearns. Not really earth shattering news - nothing to be "baffled about" but then it gets ugly as I'm driving to my parents house (I am visiting my parents in the Tampa area and went to the game with some High School and College friends who live in the Tampa area - it was a nice time at The Trop). The Phillies get Roy Oswalt, well the Mets competition are making some desperate moves here - but at least they they doing something. By the time I arrive at my parents house just north of Tampa there is talk of the Yankees about get Adam Dunn or Lance Berkman. I'm thinking to myself - you have to be kidding me. The Yankees roster is loaded and they just added a veteran right handed bat with Austin Kearns, who is having a nice year. Then I got to the computer - I mean the Mets HAVE to be talking to someone - nothing or as they say here in my current hometown of Miami - nada.
By Saturday I am just disgusted. The Omar Mineya Riegn of Terror continues. Mets have just lost 9 of the last 12 games (or something like that - bottomline from the All Star Game to today, they have stunk), and they haven't done ANYTHING. Then I find out the Yankees trade for Kerry Wood AND Lance Berkman and what did the Yankees give up - NADA! For the record, I know Brian Cashman a little bit. We went to college together at Catholic University - now, he may not remember my name but I think he would remember my face - as a matter of fact one of the guys I went to the Tiger/Rays game went to Georgetown Prep with Brian and they both boarded there - so I have a connection. I used to see Brian out all the time enjoying a beer like any other college kid. Little did I know the dude that I was peeing next to talking small talk was going to be running the Evil Empire. Looking back on it, it's sort of like Luke Skywalker finding out Darth Vader is his Dad. It's just totally messed up.
The Yankees get 3 important - good players for NOTHING, the Mets just got beat by the last place Diamondbacks 14-1. That is not a typo - the DBacks scored 14 runs at Citi-field. By the way - it was Mets Hall of Fame Day - Daryl Strawberry and Dwight "Doc"Gooden were entered into the Mets Hall of Fame - complimentary 8 Balls, mirrors and razor blades were given out to the first 18,000 people at the game - only problem, only 17,000 showed up. Got to love Omar Mineya's and his "eye for promotion" - forget bring in players but drugs are good. My favorite Omar Mineya promotion was the Tony Bernazard Fight Night - good stuff.
So the Trade Deadline as come and go. Leading up the deadling, I thought the Yankees were going to "stay the course". The organization is dealing with George Stienbrenner's death and with George gone figured the Yankees were going to take it slow. Like I already said, the team is freaking loaded with talent. The Yankee infield may be the greatest offensive infield ever to play baseball and it hurts me to say that. The numbers don't lie either. Arod, Jeter, Cano, Texiera and Posada - that's impressive. With all the action the Yankees made recently, you really have to wonder how little George was involved in the recent Yankee moves and I realize he was older and in bad health but it kind of appears he's been "totally out of the picture". I think the Yankee success over the last 15 years is a direct link to the fact George was less involved with the team - when he came back from his 2nd suspension - he was a different, more distant owner (except for my the "Fat Toad" remark).
Well, there you go - I know I am not the only Met fan who is baffled at the lack of recent events made by the Mets AND I am not the only Met fan who is going to be sick and tired of listening to all the Yankee fans talk about all the great moves they made. Also, I'm not the only Met fan that has to to admit that the Yankees did something good, Truely baffling.
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